We accept returns and exchanges within 90 days after the date of delivery.

Accepted returns include incorrect color or size.

The items should be unworn and not washed.

If an item is worn, washed, or tags removed, it will not qualify to be returned.

Items with stains, hair, odors, cigarette smoke, burns, deodorant, etc. will be declined. 

All closeout, final sale, clearance items are not eligible for a return RETURNS. 

If the item qualifies for return, please let us know and we will get a return label sent to you via the email provided. The total amount of the refund will be minus inbound and outbound shipping costs. Those shipping costs are deducted from the return amount. Please allow us up to 5-7 business days after receipt of returned item to review your items and issue the refund.

EXCHANGES Please provide the name of the item, color, and size that you would like to have in exchange of your original order. You will receive an invoice for the shipping fee of the new item, return label of the original item, and price difference (if applicable). Once invoice is paid, you'll receive an email confirming your exchange order. Order processing will take up to 5-7 business days and an email with tracking will be sent after shipment is made. The exchange order will only be processed once the invoice has been paid and the original item has been returned.

*For return or exchange communication, please contact support at customersupport@myrawcountry.com.

We Thank You for your unrelenting support!